#!/bin/bash # # Script: R_loops.sh # Usage: For submitting multiple batch R jobs to LSF, # an example of looping over years and models # Author: NCSU HPC # # ## To run, type: # ./R_loops.sh [# years] [# models] # Script must have execute permissions, i.e., # chmod u+x R_loops.sh module load R if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then echo "Usage: You need to feed two arguments to this program which is" echo "the number of years and the number of models. For example," echo "./R_loops.sh 2 2" exit 1 fi # Specify number of jobs to submit numYears=$1 numModels=$2 # Initialize year loop counter year=1 while [ $year -le $numYears ] do # Initialize model loop counter model=1 while [ $model -le $numModels ] do echo "Submit job year = $year and model = $model" bsub -n 1 -W 30 -oo out.year=$year.model=$model -eo err.year=$year.model=$model "Rscript codehpc.R $year $model" ((model++)) done ((year++)) done