< M A T L A B (R) > Copyright 1984-2018 The MathWorks, Inc. R2018b ( 64-bit (glnxa64) August 28, 2018 To get started, type doc. For product information, visit www.mathworks.com. Starting parallel pool (parpool) using the 'local' profile ... connected to 12 workers. ans = Pool with properties: Connected: true NumWorkers: 12 Cluster: local AttachedFiles: {} AutoAddClientPath: true IdleTimeout: 30 minutes (30 minutes remaining) SpmdEnabled: true Elapsed time is 92.883181 seconds. ------------------------------------------------------------ Sender: LSF System Subject: Job 447181: <#!/bin/bash;#BSUB -W 20;#BSUB -n 12;#BSUB -R span[hosts=1];#BSUB -o out.%J;#BSUB -e err.%J;module load matlab ;matlab -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop -r 'int_fun(12);exit;'> in cluster Done Job <#!/bin/bash;#BSUB -W 20;#BSUB -n 12;#BSUB -R span[hosts=1];#BSUB -o out.%J;#BSUB -e err.%J;module load matlab ;matlab -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop -r 'int_fun(12);exit;'> was submitted from host by user in cluster at Wed Mar 27 08:58:21 2019. Job was executed on host(s) <12*n2j5-6>, in queue , as user in cluster at Wed Mar 27 08:58:24 2019. was used as the home directory. was used as the working directory. Started at Wed Mar 27 08:58:24 2019. Terminated at Wed Mar 27 09:00:45 2019. Results reported at Wed Mar 27 09:00:45 2019. Your job looked like: ------------------------------------------------------------ # LSBATCH: User input #!/bin/bash #BSUB -W 20 #BSUB -n 12 #BSUB -R span[hosts=1] #BSUB -o out.%J #BSUB -e err.%J module load matlab matlab -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop -r 'int_fun(12);exit;' ------------------------------------------------------------ Successfully completed. Resource usage summary: CPU time : 1160.00 sec. Max Memory : 10693.23 MB Average Memory : 8035.47 MB Total Requested Memory : - Delta Memory : - Max Swap : 83146 MB Max Processes : 29 Max Threads : 566 Run time : 144 sec. Turnaround time : 144 sec. The output (if any) is above this job summary. PS: Read file for stderr output of this job.