-------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: a request was made to bind a process. While the system supports binding the process itself, at least one node does NOT support binding memory to the process location. Node: n2n2-1 This usually is due to not having the required NUMA support installed on the node. In some Linux distributions, the required support is contained in the libnumactl and libnumactl-devel packages. This is a warning only; your job will continue, though performance may be degraded. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: Open MPI will create a shared memory backing file in a directory that appears to be mounted on a network filesystem. Creating the shared memory backup file on a network file system, such as NFS or Lustre is not recommended -- it may cause excessive network traffic to your file servers and/or cause shared memory traffic in Open MPI to be much slower than expected. You may want to check what the typical temporary directory is on your node. Possible sources of the location of this temporary directory include the $TEMPDIR, $TEMP, and $TMP environment variables. Note, too, that system administrators can set a list of filesystems where Open MPI is disallowed from creating temporary files by setting the MCA parameter "orte_no_session_dir". Local host: n2n3-8 Filename: /share/Support/lllowe/tmp/openmpi-sessions-lllowe@n2n3-8_0/47621/2/shared_mem_pool.n2n3-8 You can set the MCA paramter shmem_mmap_enable_nfs_warning to 0 to disable this message. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- An MPI process has executed an operation involving a call to the "fork()" system call to create a child process. Open MPI is currently operating in a condition that could result in memory corruption or other system errors; your MPI job may hang, crash, or produce silent data corruption. The use of fork() (or system() or other calls that create child processes) is strongly discouraged. The process that invoked fork was: Local host: n2n3-8 (PID 7897) MPI_COMM_WORLD rank: 0 If you are *absolutely sure* that your application will successfully and correctly survive a call to fork(), you may disable this warning by setting the mpi_warn_on_fork MCA parameter to 0. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ Sender: LSF System Subject: Job 12792: <#!/bin/bash;#BSUB -n 64 ;#BSUB -q mixed_ib ;#BSUB -W 20;#BSUB -oo out;#BSUB -eo err;module load R/gcc_4.8.5_R-3.5.1;module load mpi/gcc_openmpi;mpirun -n 1 R CMD BATCH --vanilla ./hello.R> in cluster Done Job <#!/bin/bash;#BSUB -n 64 ;#BSUB -q mixed_ib ;#BSUB -W 20;#BSUB -oo out;#BSUB -eo err;module load R/gcc_4.8.5_R-3.5.1;module load mpi/gcc_openmpi;mpirun -n 1 R CMD BATCH --vanilla ./hello.R> was submitted from host by user in cluster at Thu Feb 21 19:23:04 2019. Job was executed on host(s) <20*n2n3-8>, in queue , as user in cluster at Thu Feb 21 19:23:30 2019. <16*n2n2-1> <16*n2n2-7> <12*n2n2-9> was used as the home directory. was used as the working directory. Started at Thu Feb 21 19:23:30 2019. Terminated at Thu Feb 21 19:23:46 2019. Results reported at Thu Feb 21 19:23:46 2019. Your job looked like: ------------------------------------------------------------ # LSBATCH: User input #!/bin/bash #BSUB -n 64 #BSUB -q mixed_ib #BSUB -W 20 #BSUB -oo out #BSUB -eo err module load R/gcc_4.8.5_R-3.5.1 module load mpi/gcc_openmpi mpirun -n 1 R CMD BATCH --vanilla ./hello.R ------------------------------------------------------------ Successfully completed. Resource usage summary: CPU time : 806.41 sec. Max Memory : 1023.39 MB Average Memory : 1023.39 MB Total Requested Memory : - Delta Memory : - Max Swap : 10152 MB Max Processes : 25 Max Threads : 68 Run time : 20 sec. Turnaround time : 42 sec. The output (if any) is above this job summary. PS: Read file for stderr output of this job.