R2024a (and above) installs large files in the ~/.MathWorks directory, which is a problem because the user's home directory will quickly fill up. A work-around has been identified.
Note, the directories removed in the instructions below are auto-generated by MATLAB when it starts up, and are safe to delete, but please double check you did not manually move an important file into them by accident.
First, end all MATLAB jobs (for all versions) you have running interactively and in LSF jobs, then run these commands:
cd $HOME rm -rf .MathWorks rm -rf .MATLABConnector mkdir /share/$GROUP/$USER/.MathWorks ln -s /share/$GROUP/$USER/.MathWorks .MathWorks
Now, continue using R2024a (and above) as normal
matlab -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop -singleCompThread -r "run('script.m');exit;" # Replacement for above command is: matlab -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop -singleCompThread -batch "run('script.m');exit;"