Introduction to Open OnDemand

Open OnDemand (OOD) is an innovative web-based interface that provides convenient access to NC State\'s Office of Information Technology High-Performance Computing (HPC) resources. This platform offers several key functionalities that enhance user experience and accessibility:

  • Users can seamlessly connect to the Hazel cluster through a web browser, eliminating the need for local installations or configurations.
  • The platform allows users affiliated with NC State partner institutions to access the Hazel cluster using the UNC Identity Federation system.
  • OOD also supports accessing graphical user interface (GUI) applications, including RStudio, directly through a web browser.
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Browser Requirements

To ensure optimal performance while using Open OnDemand, it is recommended that users utilize the latest versions of one of the following web browsers:

  • Google Chrome: Notably, this browser provides the best level of support for Open OnDemand. The shell application operates with the hterm.js library, which is officially backed by Google.
  • Mozilla Firefox: This browser offers good compatibility, but users should ensure they are running an updated version.
  • Microsoft Edge: Similar to Firefox, it is crucial for users to employ the most recent version for optimal performance.
Warning: Issues have been reported when using Safari with some applications within Open OnDemand. Users may experience problems with WebSockets and Basic Authentication in this browser, potentially leading to a frustrating experience.
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Accessing Open OnDemand

Connecting to Open OnDemand

  1. Open your preferred web browser and navigate to
  2. If you have not yet saved a campus, you will be prompted to select an identity provider from a presented menu.
    Select Login
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Login Process

After complete the login process, the Dashboard should appear:
In the event you need to change your saved campus information, clearing your cookies for Open OnDemand may be necessary. Below are links to browser-specific instructions for clearing cookies:

After clearing cookies, log in with your campus credentials. The process may vary based on your specific campus requirements.

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File Explorer

The File Explorer feature allows users to browse and manage files stored on NC State\'s HPC system effectively. The following steps outline how to use it:

  1. Access the File Explorer function by clicking on the "Files" menu. Files A familiar interface will be displayed.
  2. Choose a location to browse, typically your Home directory. This will launch a file browsing interface. File Manager
  3. Within the File Explorer:
    • To navigate directories, simply click on the desired directory.
    • To return to the previous directory, use the up arrow option.
    • The current directory path is displayed at the top, enabling easy navigation.
    • The Change Directory button allows users to directly access a specific directory.
  4. Create new files and directories using the New File and New Directory buttons as needed.
  5. To edit a file, select it and click the Edit button in the menu. Edit Menu After making changes, be sure to save your work.
  6. File uploads can be easily accomplished via the Upload button, which allows for dragging and dropping files or browsing for files to upload. Users can also upload directories.
Warning: Note that the maximum upload size for files is limited to 10.7 GB.

To download files or directories, use the checkboxes to select the desired items, followed by the Download button. A dialog box will prompt you to select a location on your local system for saving the items.

Warning: The maximum size for files available for download is also 10.7 GB.
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Job Management

Users can easily check and manage their jobs through the Jobs menu: Job Management The functionalities include:

  1. The Active Jobs option displays jobs that have been submitted. Users can manage their jobs based on their needs, displaying either their own jobs or all jobs in progress.
  2. The Job Composer facilitates the creation of simple jobs, allowing users to configure and submit computational tasks based on their specific requirements.
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Shell Access

To access the Linux command line, users should click on the Clusters menu, followed by selecting the "NCSU Hazel Cluster Shell Access" option. This action will present an interface for interacting with the system using a command-line interface. Shell Access

Warning: Please remember that you are accessing a login node, which means while editing and compilation tasks are permissible, all other computation tasks should utilize an interactive compute session or a batch script to ensure proper resource management.
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RStudio is a powerful interactive environment dedicated to the R programming language. To utilize RStudio within Open OnDemand, follow these steps:

  1. Select Interactive Apps from the main menu and then click on "R Studio Server". Select RStudio
  2. Fill out the required session configuration form: RStudio Form The various parameters mean:
    • Queue: Usually, this field can be left empty unless a specific queue needs to be selected.
    • Number of hours: Indicates the duration for which the session will be active.
    • Number of processors: Specifies how many processors the session will utilize.
    • Exclusive Node Option: Requests exclusive access to a node; select multiple processors for scheduling, understanding that it may delay job initiation.
    • Amount of memory requested: Specify memory requirements, such as “1GB” for one gigabyte.
    • Version of R container: Select the appropriate R version for the session.
    • Path to User Libraries: Define where user-installed libraries are stored; it\'s advised to separate this location from standard libraries to prevent conflicts.
  3. After finalizing the configuration, click on the Launch button. Job initiation time may vary based on resource allocation. Once ready, select the Connect to RStudio Server button to access the RStudio application. RStudio Session
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Working within RStudio

Upon clicking the Connect to RStudio Server button, the RStudio application interface will appear, offering familiar functionalities and features. RStudio Users are encouraged to utilize RStudio as they typically would in local environments with a few caveats.

Warning: The compute nodes have limited internet access, any data required must be downloaded to a mounted location, such as the home, scratch, or Research Storage directories outside of a compute session. This can be accomplished using the File Explorer or through an SSH session.
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Installing Packages

The version of RStudio utilized in the compute nodes supports package installation. Packages can be sourced from the NC State CRAN mirror or the Duke CRAN mirror. RStudio Package Installation

Warning: The configured CRAN mirrors are determined at the start of the job. Attempting to modify or add CRAN mirrors post-initiation will fail, as those sites will not be accessible.
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Resuming Interrupted Sessions

In instances where your session is still active, you can re-establish the connection (useful in case of broken connections) via the My Interactive Sessions menu. Interactive sessions
Any currently running sessions will be listed, and users can reconnect by clicking the Connect to RStudio Server button.

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Exiting RStudio

To properly exit your RStudio session, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Power button located in the RStudio interface. Power Button
  2. Close the RStudio window to end your session.
  3. Finally, back in the My Interactive Session window, click the Delete option to remove the session from active job listings. End RStudio Session
Warning: Neglecting to exit your session properly may leave residual settings that can conflict with new configurations or settings upon your next login.
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Limitations of OOD RStudio

While Open OnDemand with RStudio offers substantial advantages, it does come with inherent limitations, including:

  • Limited Internet Connectivity: Not all websites and services may be accessed, impacting functionalities that rely on external resources.
  • Restricted CRAN Mirrors: Access to CRAN mirrors is limited, which may affect package installations.
  • Potential Configuration Conflicts: Some of the user configurations from local environments may clash with the OOD version settings, leading to unexpected behaviors.
  • Missing Full Internet Connection Resources: Certain components, particularly those requiring a full internet connection such as the Connections panel (ODBC, Spark), may encounter errors or be non-operational.
  • Inability to Install Certain R Packages: Packages that have compiled components, such as shiny or learnr, cannot be installed due to absent dependencies and components required for configuration.
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502 Errors

If you encounter a 502 Proxy error, it is advisable to check the connection speed of your account logins via the SSH Shell. Slow login times can often lead to Open OnDemand timeout issues. A common culprit is the inclusion of certain commands within the .bashrc file, which may significantly delay login speeds.

For example, users who have added code for Anaconda will need to remove the code from the .bashrc file and relocate it to an alternative file, such as .conda.bashrc, for efficient sourcing when necessary.

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